Total Annihilation Download Free Full Game

Total Annihilation Full PC Game

Game Information

Official NameTotal Annihilation
VersionFull Game
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Developer (s)Cavedog Entertainment
Publisher (s)GT Interactive
Producer (s)Ron Gilbert[1]
Designer (s)Chris Taylor
Artist (s)Clayton Kauzlaric
Composer (s)Jeremy Soule
SeriesTotal Annihilation
Platform (s)PC, Windows
Release date (s)September 30, 1997
Genre (s)Real-time strategy
Mode (s)Single-player, multiplayer


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Total Annihilation Full PC Game Overview

Total Annihilation Download Free Full Game is a real-time strategy video game created by Cavedog Entertainment, a sub-division of Humongous Entertainment, and released on September 30, 1997 by GT Interactive forMicrosoft Windows and Mac OS. It was the first real-time strategy game to feature 3D units and terrain. Two expansion packs were released, The Core Contingency on April 30, 1998 and Battle Tactics on June 30, 1998. After the closure of the Cavedog Entertainment Studios in 1999, the intellectual property fell to Infogrames (now Atari).

Total Annihilation is no longer officially supported, due to the closure of Cavedog. The Cavedog team ended, but ex-Cavedog and lead designer Chris Taylor, went on with Gas Powered Games to create Supreme Commander in 2007, popularly considered the «spiritual successor» of Total Annihilation. The creators of XTA, a mod forTotal Annihilation, independently developed theopen source 3D graphics Spring game engine.The Total Annihilation 3D project was begun in the summer of 2006. Other ex-members of Cavedog, including Total Annihilation 's game engine developer Jon Mavor, later went on to developPlanetary Annihilation in 2014, another game in the same vein as Total Annihilation Free Download.

In July, 2013, bought the Total Annihilation franchise from the Atari bankruptcy proceedings.


Total Annihilation is set in the far future in the midst of a galactic war, with battles taking place on the surface of planets and moons. The efforts of the player are centered around constructing a defensive base and an offensive force, and conquering opponents. The player is also concerned with gathering resources, reconnaissance and stealth, and evaluation of units and terrain. Battles take place against AI in a story-driven campaign, with the option of playing against other players in a skirmish mode.

Normally, the player begins with the unique Commander unit, a mech with the ability to create structures to form a base and, by extension, a military force comprising a range of mobile units. The Commander, in addition to being a powerful combat unit, is vital to the player because of its ability to quickly construct units.

This makes the loss of a Commander a critical event in any game. Construction is governed by the possession of the game's two unlimited resources, Metal and Energy, and can be undertaken by factories or mobile construction units. Every unit belongs to a level of technology (tech level); the higher the level, the more advanced the unit and the more resources and thus time required to construct it. A feature of the game is the ability to easily «queue» the many commands for a unit or group of units, with types of commands including patrolling a route, constructing a defensive group of structures and attacking enemy units. Once given its commands, the unit will go about them automatically thus minimizing the need for the player's attention to small, repetitive tasks. The victory conditions of a multiplayer game generally involve the elimination of all enemy units, but the aim of single player campaign missions can be more specialized. Total Annihilation Free Download PC Game.

Total Annihilation Free Download PC Game

Click on below button to start Total Annihilation Download Free PC Game. It is a Full Version PC Game. Just download torrent and start playing it.

Total Annihilation Free Download PC Game

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